ENΛITE Sunglasses
Design Consultancy & Product Develepment
ΕΝ: ENΛΙΤΕ VISION assigned Topotheque to act as a conultant in the production line of a series of wooden sunglasses starting from hand drawn sketches to the final product. From the beginning, the objective formed into the parameterisation of the actual 2-dimensional given design and its 3d implementation in order to fit the back and forth of the design procedure as well as the different production modules that were employed.
In that sense, the parameterised 3d Model filled in the gap between conception and realisation by bridging the design decisions to CNC milling fabrication techniques and curved plywood production technology.
ENΛΙΤΕ Sunglasses manage in that way to represent a cutting edge design and production theory in the making, while becoming a unique object in the newly founded industry of wooden sunglasses.GR: (Disclaimer) Ο Ευάγγελος Πανταζής συνετέλεσε συμβουλευτικώς στην παραγωγή ξύλινων σκελετών γυαλιών ηλίου για την εταιρεία ΕΝΛΙΤΕ.
- Type:
Product Design
- Size/Scale:
<1 m
- Location:
Athens / Greece
- Status:
- Team:
Evangelos Pantazis, Iason Pantazis, Matao Oka