One Warrior Canopy for DoLab
Engineering Consulting for a lightweight shell structure
Topotheque was commissioned by DoLab designs to develop a design automation tool that would facilitate the design development and construction of a lightweight tensile structure for the 2019 Coachella Music festival in California/USA. The shape of the structure was inspired by the signature Galapagos island tortoises, and the target was to provide shadow and allow festival attendees to feel at ease, guided by the space and shade of the structure. The implemented computational solution allowed the design team of DoLab (Josh Flemming) to test multiple design configurations and automatically discretize the design for structural analysis but also provide quantity take-offs that helped with the final cost estimation. By using the developed custom design tool the designers could categorize the required structural elements in different types, identify their position on the structure and annotate them and export quantity takes offs instantly thus facilitating their decision making process.
Photo credits: Aaron Glassmanm, DoLab
- Type:
Design/Engineering Consulting
- Size/Scale:
<150 sqm
- Location:
- Status:
- Team:
Evangelos Pantazis, Skylar Ellis